Flexibility And Space Efficiency
Staff Management
Sanitation And Safety
Work with your interior designer to incorporate regular kitchen equipment as well as emergency supplies. You can also incorporate fans or air purifiers throughout your restaurant kitchen floor design, as the back of the house may get rather hot.
Energy Efficiency
Beyond the social and environmental benefits of lowering your carbon footprint, the advantages of an energy-efficient design are numerous. While the equipment used in a kitchen contributes significantly to its energy efficiency, the space itself also plays a role. recommends “strategically placing cooking equipment so that the exhaust hood can whisk away hot air to keep the kitchen cooler, and putting cold storage as far as possible from heat sources to keep appliances from working overtime.”
Equip your kitchen with energy-efficient kitchen equipment to keep your energy bills down. A well-designed restaurant kitchen not only keeps the food flowing to the dining room but also cuts waste. Food loss and spoilage may be reduced if your team knows where everything is and understands the FIFO (first in, first out) guideline.